Been Away

Been away and now we are back lets see what to blog……..

First here’s something to get off my back, this was kinda irritating to me and my sister today on the 11th it was a Holiday yeah.. ” Very Sure You Know “it was Veterans Day but anyway, This gets personal right here.. the trash man skipped the 12th which was Monday and  decided to take the garbage after Monday the Holiday was gone by then Ch-yeah’!  Sure I’m Bitch-en about it but this really puzzled me, why did he wait till Tuesday to take the trash?  just because the the Holiday was on a Sunday, what about Monday? He had plenty of time,

Well On Monday I thought “Son Of A Shoe Shiner”  The Trash Mans Late! but no, Guess the company was out until Tuesday one things for sure the trash is gone now Thank GOD! to know so many Veterans I never asked one of them “Why do you suppose that happened”?

Glad its over and off my back….


The Real Optimist

Secret Celebrity Blogger


Seems psycho anyway!

So, I’m looking around for news and I came across this.

I now Disney does this every July my sister and I use to leave there for a few years. I know, I know…. It’s for the theme and imaginary factory but to me it seems that Disney has this anxiousness for holiday cheer, What ever the reason I’d feel kinda nodded off, This dude got more famous then the other “Fake Claus” (And x-mas getup’s out there) and got asked to leave Disney Officials saw he stole the show and they sent him and his reindeer jingling all the way. Honesty I just couldn’t get down with celebrating a holiday out of season, But I do have one question…. Wasn’t Homeboy HOT in that Santa suite?! Florida weather is massive, one thing is for sure he had original rosie cheeks because his blood had to be boiling in that costume.  I found it on FoxNews