For the old school

In deed & agreed, well said

Feminine Rhyme

Music is not what it use to be… and our business has been tampered with. Messing with our career is like someone trying to bomb your country, to us, music / entertainment is our living space, and all the artificial technology has made it drab, everyone is on the same drug and their production and writing has been awful no color or effort just push button technology.

“talent is not limited only people are” 

Not much to say but it’s sad what these dumb asses expect you to do our to have before they help or put you on the spot, that’s why the D.I.Y thing has become the factor much more with a lot of artists today, with this digital distribution anyone can buy. Record labels made it even harder to get under their roof…

Okay, it’s like this, they give the artist the hassle about a “demo” they forget that demo means demonstration a demonstration is…

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